look at my blood flowers, because I write with a serene sharp blade that soothes. as much as cuts into the deepest parts of my soul
This morning, I listen to this blood breathing peace,in these veins—I wear prayers.
This morning's silenceI write a wordless requiemto dead dreamsand deferred hopes.
Dive in and rise slowly to be on a journey,exploring the oceans of reasonings.
A dream caught between feathers and beadsreminiscence foretold.
The cold is its own cave. The dream pops and crackles, rapidly cooling after I leave it. I close my eyes and it's dew in a cavern.
A jar full of ribbons;shreds of her colourscut from his soul, released to the windflyingshowing her the way.
In the dappled light There's a change in direction; Refractions of me.
I walk in the spaces between the real and the imagined.
Like moths to flame,we are drawnto the chaos of our shatter.
Melting into riversof inkI pooled into poetry;Where nature settledinto a smooth embracestirred only by the windand fishes.
Too intimately tangled to unwrap these thoughts of mine, from yours.
There's a timeat the beginningof love
you makeyour ownweather
whatever the weather isit is unfailinglyfine.
The music playinginto my handsthe ink of a poet's pentoo dark for reflectionin uneasy light.
words sliced open spilling sticky syllables.
The rhythmic drip, drip, dripping of rain from the eavesblends with constant soft, sweet whispers of countless drops kissing the leaves.
Rain is looming Let's walk on the edge Of dry and wet Ambulate the flumes.
Though you've been gone for years and the tears have long since dried still your scent adheres to the walls (still empty on your bedside)
Atop strange barricades waving stranger flags. We may bemoan the happeningsbut are resolved to let them be.
We all have our secret places we carry with us all our lives. But time makes them so mythic we sometimes wonder whether they existed at all.
I stirred the fallen leaves in a walk of dream. There was no destination. But each footfall woke a thought in hibernation.
Once thoughts crawl out of dark corners and onto white pages, all fragments compete for expression, to witness the greater whole.
I’d write to you if my words were limbs-capable enough to touch you.
I'm tired of words,but somehow theybridge the distance between us.
Ashes pour through his bloodshot eyesas the fire inside of him dies.
I nuzzle into you Finding your heartbeat That soothe of its beating Nested in your eyes.If could stay, just there a lifetime.
Beyond the afar clouda songturning off sunlight,I can breathe but silence.
Beneath a saddened twilight My teardrops mirrored; Your still face.
a favorite memory, tucked behind her ear like a flower.its fragrance follows. its beauty illuminates her face.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Most of my beholders are blind.
On the coffee table is a framed photograph; the glass smeared with my mouth.
I hear the witches incantations,their spells woven through fantasy, longing and a reality draped in conservatism.
We all have our safe places, where none are invited. They are lonely rooms full of the musk of memory. Sanctuary rather than adventure.
There is a light within our soul that burns brighter than the sun. And we ignore it.
Those masks we wear not to shield others; but ourselves from who we are.
convoluted distortions,scripting thoughts without meaningyet hold a feeling of what was once known but forgotten in growing up.
ghosts of memoriesresonate and chaseyesterday into today,living parallel livesin separate realities.
that piece of you I hold inside always searching for the part of mein you.
Soothe me or hurt me, I'm paralyzed anyway.
After a breath and before another, there's plenty of time to rest.
Even dead fallen leaves go a long way with the wind before getting crushed.
As the train picks up momentummoving to the destination,mind plays thoughts in rewindturning back the wheel of time.I've already started missing you.
perhaps,every scent is another part of the poem,where words stop,bend and listento the rustle of wind for instance,when grabbed,sky to loam.
did you capture your essence and seal it behind glass as often as I have ?somewhere in life's reaches,I used to be a childwho loved to laugh.
find cracks to fall in,wings are only escalatorsfissures between here and there,to fly,all one must do,is kill the disbelief of Love,in you!
I breathe cleanI refuse to stepinto that fake sordid lost world.What's hidden is hidden for a reason. Keep it.