look at my blood flowers, because I write with a serene sharp blade that soothes. as much as cuts into the deepest parts of my soul
I write a poem and burn it. what escapes of itis my soul.
These ethereal black feathers falling off the light, are of nothing but the reiterated deaths,when I write about you.
The insatiable chaos of your memories,fading rainbows of metaphors.
Replenish me, my love before I cease to exist.
The many patterns of silence In nights and blank poems Yearning to escape
The melody was repeatedeach shadowy dawn.And my waking was a solitary note, lingering until its final fade.
We live betweenthe spaces ofpromises,
in brokentea cupsandshatteredmornings.
thennew vowssoak upspilled words
until wefall again.
Those timesI heard the echoLong before the sound.
Every dayhe wrote the poem, againwith a different ending.
Lies after lies He kept writing,for what is not real but imagined.
....and when he runs out of paperhe writes his words across the sky,in sunlit dreams, too bright to read.
Tracing the lines of his palmsas if to memorize the prints she left.
She left her teal pashminaacross the bedalong witha mumbled 'goodbye'and coldness.
breath by breathI fill a well of silence,Water of the soul from these thunder clouds trembling with rainbows